Underground Lovers & Hosho McCreesh Present

A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST audio promo launch!

I discovered something this week. All my favourite writers seem to be the ones that hit the bottle hard. Miller, Capote, Parker, Poe, Hemingway, just some of that ilk with their lush personal demons, uninhibited thoughts, taboos and truths that usually only the worms in their coffins got a chance to absorb. Drunk writers and those that wrote about the lifestyles of the pissed and infamous were at the fore front of literature, while these days we’re lucky if we hear a mainstream author admit they’ve eaten a liquor chocolate.

I admire artists that don’t kept their thirsts a secret. Yes, I’m mindful that for many it’s not for them, it can destroy their lives and the lives of those close to them. For me, the consumption of booze has a different outcome. From an early age it was part of my Italian heritage and has a celebratory role in my life. Fortunately most of it spent in a joyous state. My bacchanalia heart regularly indulged and succumbed to some of the best next day hangovers, fry ups and lost days Ive ever not remembered. Today, I embrace those days and even hope for a chance of a few more benders before these old toes curl.

This is probably why Hosho McCreesh’s 2013 poetry collection A Deep & Gorgeous Thirst, sang to me. We share a commonality. I enjoy booze totally, not just for the effects but also the social connection, the loosening of tongues and the alchemy that takes place from grain, vegetable or fruit to mind altering substance. Though a bottle in unseasoned hands can be dangerous and Hosho points this out often through his poetic tales, these intoxicating poems. You are there in his memoir of mistakes and glimpses of laugh-your-arse-off joy. Hosho miraculously recalls chunks of experiences throughout his life with a liquid connector. He’s generous with his secrets and lets us share his glass and reminiscences. Even in his mournful moments, Hosho’s gentle soul is paramount. His deep respect for alcoholic beverages and the people he shares them with have formed a bond. Friend or enemy these connections delve into spasmodic flashbacks through to elaborate escapades all spent in the company of the bottle.

You’d think seven years is a long time in the planning but Hosho’s vision to have these poems read and recorded needed a little time to brew. What he has achieved is a phenomenal experiment giving a new dimension to the prose via an eclectic mix of accents and approaches from all over the world. It has been well worth the wait. Friends, family, writers including Hosho himself, all add to the mix.

It was a huge thrill to be asked to give my interpretation to two tracks, as my aural chanteuse moniker was fading fast (yes, a has been before I ever was). So rewind a year and the poems hand selected by Hosho were sent to me via page numbers. You see A Deep & Gorgeous Thirst doesn’t have any titles, we are led there by first lines, fragments, music and musicians. The words blend and shake in a stream of conscious cocktail and the more you read, the more intoxicated you get. I just hope there is someone chosen just to read out the index. Hosho’s prose became my life for a while and like all his guests, we belted them out just the way we felts them.

So pour yourself a neat one, crack a tinnie, pop your cork or pass the Courvoisier. It is with great pleasure to smash this bottle of 1841 Veuve Clicquot (maybe not) and launch the exclusive world premiere ‘promo video’ of the much anticipated audio project A Deep And Gorgeous Thirst unabridged audio from writer, artist and smooth vocal gymnast Hosho McCreesh. Lights out everyone and roll!


There you have it, release date May 24th 2020

146 Drunk Poems
37 Gorgeous Voices
3.5 Thirsty Hours
3-Disc Set
1 Insanely Good Time

If that went down smooth, check out Hosho McCreesh’s website for purchase details and check out Hosho’s twitter for updates and cool stuff.



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